Shape Components


Render a plain text representation of the customer's Omneo reward balance in dollars ($)

data-prefixstring (any)Display value as prefix to reward balance
data-is-inlinetrue falseDisplay Shape container as inline element if true


Render a plain text representation of the customer's Omneo point balance

data-suffixstring (any)Display value as suffix to point balance
data-is-inlinetrue falseDisplay Shape container as inline element if true


Render a plain text representation of a selected Omneo Profile value

data-keystring (any)Displays Profile data by key. This can use dot (.) notation eg. or first_name
data-prefixtrue falseDisplay value as prefix to profile data
data-suffixtrue falseDisplay value as suffix to profile data
data-is-inlinetrue falseDisplay Shape container as inline element if true


Display a table displaying Omneo transaction data, including Order ID, Date, Location, Total and Items. Clicking / tapping a row will expand to display transaction line items. Transaction results are paginated to 10 results at a time, and the Shape will asynchronously fetch additional transactions as the user pages through results.

data-titlestring (any)Override default "My Transactions" Shape title. Set to false to hide title
data-auto-hide-paginationtrue falseWhen set to true, pagination will be hidden when all transactions are visible in one page


Display a table displaying Omneo reward data, including Reward balance, names, expiry dates and remaining values. Reward results are paginated to 5 results at a time, and the Shape will asynchronously fetch additional rewards as the user pages through results.

data-titlestring (any) falseOverride default "My Transactions" Shape title. Set to false to hide title
data-show-active-onlytrue falseWhen set to true, only currently active rewards will be displayed
data-auto-hide-paginationtrue falseWhen set to true, pagination will be hidden when all transactions are visible in one page