Update or Create Product

A POST to the /products/update-create endpoint allows your application to update or create a Product.

Why use update-create?

Update expands the functionality of Add Product by first searching for an existing product with the provided external_id

If a product sharing the same external_id is found, update the existing product with the provided data.
The handle is removed if provided as part of the payload

If no product is found with a matching external_id, create the product instead.
This endpoint can save a call to the Browse Products or Read Product endpoints to first check if the product exists.

With product variants attached to the product, a similar lookup is performed, except using the variants sku instead. If running an update-create on a product, and the product has matched by external_id the importer will then attempt to match variants on the matched product by sku. In a similar way to the master product, the variants will be updated or created according to the provided data on the update-create request


Provide an identical payload to if you were creating a new product with Add Product
